Toddler Thanksgiving Activities

- My Creation Book  Weeks 10-13 in the 2 Year Curriculum cover the theme "Thank You, God, for Making Me."  Use activities in these weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving in your home.

• Count Your Blessings:

Begin a family tradition of having each person say one thing that he/she is thankful for before eating the Thanksgiving meal.

Hand Turkey Craft Create " Hand Turkeys " by either drawing around a child's hand or dipping it into paint.  Add eyes and a mouth to the "thumb."  Add the following Thanksgiving Poem (Original Source Unknown):
Dear ________________,
This isn't just a turkey,
As anyone can see.
I made it with my hand,
That is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very happy
Thanksgiving Day!


Thanksgiving Song

If You’re Thankful (Happy) and You Know It

If you’re thankful and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap) (Repeat 2x)
If you’re thankful and you know it then your life will really show it
If you’re thankful and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap)

Optional verse:
…stomp your feet…
…say amen…
…do all three…


Additional Thanksgiving Ideas

For additional ideas check out the ABCJLM Thanksgiving Ideas page.

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