1. Our Terms of Use require an active License (or subscription) for all non-immediate-family use.
2. Choosing the Non-Family Use option during the ordering process automatically adds the required 365-day License for each item.
3. The License of Use price is based on the number of children who will use the product. All Licenses are annual subscriptions renewable at a discounted price for continued use. Choosing not to renew would require cease use.
See Pricing and License Details for more information.
You have chosen to use this product with only 1 child. If left as is the License of Use will be valid for 1 child, meaning that the product may not be used with more than 1 child. Please review selection before confirming.
Note: Curriculum may not be purchased for review. Samples are available on the website and we are happy to answer any questions you might have.
ABCJesusLovesMe™ is an educational ministry that equips adults with materials needed to be intentional in educating children. ABCJesusLovesMe provides five comprehensive, research-based curricula for ages 1-5 that focus on academics, development, and Bible learning through play. Additionally, a Bible curriculum, unit studies, digital downloads, and the Be Intentional Planner accompany the core curricula. These materials are sufficient on their own, but the heart of ABCJesusLovesMe is to offer guidance, support, trainings, and direction to make your educational efforts at home, preschool, or church successful.
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