Which learning are you most interested in?


Comprehensive Curricula: I am interested in a research-based, kindergarten-preparing curricula that teach academics, Bible, handwriting, pre-reading, and development for my child(ren) who is ages 1 to 5.  

      I want All the Learning     

Jesus Loves Me

Bible:  I am interested in fun, age-appropriate, Bible curricula and products to teach my child(ren) who is ages birth to 10.

   Bible Learning for me   

ABCJesusLovesMe Crayon

Focused Products:  I am interested in a focused Handwriting or Visual Perception curriculum.  Or, I desire tools to build academic and pre-reading skills, keep Jesus the center of holidays, or provide learning on family road trips.

     I Need focused Learning     


Being Intentional: I desire to be the best I can be and would like to learn more about Biblical discipline and intentional planning, gain training, and growing spiritually.

       It STarts With me     


green crayonI love ABCJesusLovesMe. It’s so flexible and sooooo easy to do! You really won’t feel like you’re “teaching.” It feels like you’re spending meaningful, quality time with your child. I held off for two years with my first child because I thought it would be impossible to do while I worked full time, but now using the 2 Year Curriculum with my second child, I wish I had used it with my first son. Go for it!  You won’t regret it!  --Evamarie on Facebook