ABCJLM Version - Here is one version to act out! Have child repeat each line after you.
We're going on a lion hunt. (march in place)
We're not afraid. (shake head ‘no’)
We're going to catch a big one! (Spread arms open wide.)
But look! (look with hands)
What's that ahead? (Place your hand above your eyes as though you were looking far away.)
There's mud ahead!
Can't go over it. (move hand “over”)
Can't go under it. (move hand “under”)
Can't go around it. (move hand “around”)
Better go through it. (Make sloshing sounds and move hands and feet as if wading through mud.)
There's a lake ahead.
Can't go over it. (move hand “over”)
Can't go under it. (move hand “under”)
Can't go around it. (move hand “around”)
Better swim through it. (Make swimming motions.)
There's a gate ahead.
Can't go over it. (move hand “over”)
Can't go under it. (move hand “under”)
Can't go around it. (move hand “around”)
Better go through it. (Gesture as if you open a gate, walk through, and close it.)
There's tall grass ahead.
Can't go over it. (move hand “over”)
Can't go under it. (move hand “under”)
Can't go around it. (move hand “around”)
We'd better crawl through it. (Crawl around, moving your hands to push the grass out of your way.)
There's a cave ahead.
Can't go over it. (move hand “over”)
Can't go under it. (move hand “under”)
Can't go around it. (move hand “around”)
Guess we'll have to walk into it. (Tip toe quietly.)
Look to the left. Look to the right.
Look Up. Look Down.
I think I see some big eyes! (Place fingers to form circles around eyes.)
I think it's a LION! (Throw arms back and make scared faces.)
Run out of the cave!
Crawl through the grass!
Open the gate!
Swim across the lake!
Wade through the mud!
Run into the house!
Close the door!
Run up the front stairs!
Crawl under your bed!
Whew! We made it! (Wipe forehead.)
And we weren't afraid! (Shake head 'No.')